
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Book Review: Eat & Run

For a long while now, I have been looking for a good book about runner nutrition.  Nutrition is very important to me, and it is also a very difficult road to navigate.  I stumbled upon this book by the famous Scott Jurek last week.  While it didn't really teach me anything I didn't already know about nutrition, it did inspire me as a runner on a different level than any other running book I've read in the past. 

Scott Jurek runs distances that I don't even dream of running.  I can't imagine running more than the 26.2 miles I ran at the beginning of this year, but Scott Jurek races in ultramarathons (any race of more than 26.2 miles).  In the book, he details his experiences training for these outrageous distances (some 135 miles) as well as racing (and many times winning) these ultramarathons.  He doesn't only write about running.  This book is largely about life.

If you're looking for an inspiring book and have a love of running, this book is for you!


Sunday, July 1, 2012


 Even though is was hotter than Hades (108 F to be exact), Andrew and I decided to take a trip to North Campus for some photos.  Here are two of my favorites.